Openings on Specific Topics

Faculty position in Computer Science

Any CS field will be considered, including cybersecurity fields.

Deadline March 15, to start in October 2025. See advert here, and feel free to reach out to Christophe Petit or Olivier Markowitch for information.

Cybersecurity Lab Engineer

Deadline: 2023-10-31 AoE
Description: We offer a 2-years contract to a Master-level engineer passionate about IoT systems, cybersecurity, and embedded systems. You will be working together with the research team by deploying and operating a research and teaching lab dedicated to the study of security, privacy, and dependability for IoT and space technology, in particular nanosatellites

More specifically, the following missions will be yours:

  • Choose and select the lab equipment required to have a fully operational testbed ofnano-satellite.
  • Help the researchers with traces acquisition, i.e., oscilloscopes, side-channel attacks,FPGA-based boards, secure electronics, among others.
  • Interact with the students in master thesis and help them for the implementation of their prototype
  • Be the link with companies in the space and IoT domain (demonstration of the lab, configure external access, perform the integration of their equipment for validation and security analysis)
  • Participate to the lab seminars with the researchers and organise some sessions (remote or local) with the researchers of the other universities.

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Full-Time Research Assistant Position (PhD or Postdoc) in Dependable Embedded Systems

Deadline: Friday 2023-06-09 AoE
Description: At the Cybersecurity Research Centre we have an opening for a PhD student or Postdoc researcher to explore the use of Trusted Execution Environments in the context of dependable systems engineering, specifically for fault tolerance in mission-critical and life-critical scenarios. You will conduct strongly positioned research in an enthusiastic and interdisciplinary team in the heart of Europe, and develop relevant expertise in security and dependability, specifically for crucial domains such as safety-critical systems and space. Read more …

Spontaneous Applications

We are looking for motivated researchers on the following topics

  • PhD position on security of IoT hybrid architectures (cloud-fog-edge)
  • PhD position on physical-layer security in IoT (physical unclonable functions, wireless fingerprinting)
  • Research officier (link with EU-level and national-level research calls)

General required skills and profile

For all of the aforementioned positions, the candidate must hold a Master’s degree in electronics/computer engineering, computer science, or cybersecurity, have good academic grades and demonstrate a strong interest in applied cryptography.
Candidates who have developed and demonstrated their research skills (through self-projects) during their studies are encouraged to apply.

For the postdoctoral positions, a PhD degree in the same areas is required. All projects have a significant implementation component, so the candidate should have an interest in implementation of cryptographic and network protocols.

How do I apply ?

Send a pdf version of your application documents to .

The following documents will more likely be required after a first discussion by e-mail:

  • a recent curriculum vitae
  • a motivation letter
  • relevant research experience and a list of publications
  • study curriculum and diplomas
  • A proof of English proficiency
  • The name of 2 reference persons, and the nature of contact wit them